9-12 September 2024
Évora, Portugal
9-12 September 2024
Évora, Portugal

Esteban A. Brignole Award

On behalf of the International Committee, we are pleased to announce that the winner of the Esteban A. Brignole Award is:

Fèlix Llovell

Fèlix Llovell is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at University Rovira i Virgili (URV, Tarragona, Spain). Being graduated at URV, he did his PhD in Computational Thermodynamics at the Spanish National Research Council. He later worked at Imperial College London before coming back to Spain to join several institutions, leading the Engineering and Simulation of Environmental Processes Group at the Chemistry Institute of Sarrià (Barcelona). Since late 2020, he joined URV, where he leads a research line on the application of multiscale modeling tools for the thermophysical characterization of compounds to develop appropriate strategies to understand the behavior of complex systems. This research is applied to multiple industrial applications, with a major focus on the study of solvents for greenhouse gas treatments, as well as other studies aligned with the principles of sustainability. He is currently the director of a Chair on Energy Transition focused on Carbon Capture and Utilization at URV.


Fèlix Llovell will deliver the IV Esteban A. Brignole Lecture at EQUIFASE 2024, titled:

"The Key Role of Computational Thermodynamics in Developing Sustainable Solutions for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases"


Professor Esteban A. Brignole is recognized as the most prominent figure in the field of Applied Thermodynamics in Latin America. His major research contributions are the pioneering work on the molecular design of solvents and the novel integration of rigorous thermodynamic methods to process engineering, which have gained him international recognition.

The leitmotif of his 50-year-long career has been the development of Chemical Engineering in Iberoamerican countries, where he has contributed to the establishment of successful programs of industry/academy collaboration and international cooperation. His idea of organizing Equifase, while still in the early stages of his career, is an example of successful action to promote regional integration.

The most prominent characteristic of his personality is his passion for progress and innovation, following Professor Brignole’s favorite quote from George Bernard Shaw (in: Maxims for Revolutionists):

 “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”


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University of São Paulo
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University of Aveiro


National South University


Nominees to the award are expected to combine technical excellence with selfless service to promote progress, innovation, and collaboration.

Regardless of their citizenship, candidates should be professionals working in South America, Central America, Portugal, or Spain, either in the academic or industrial sectors.

Nominees should have attended at least one of the previous Equifase Conferences and must be aged 50 or less on December 31, 2024.

Members of the Local Organizing Committee are not eligible for the Award. Self-nominations will not be considered. If a member of the International Committee is either nominated as a valid candidate for the Award, or listed as a reference for someone else’s candidature, this person will not vote and will be excluded from any discussion related to the selection process.